The 127th Statistical Mechanics Conference at Rutgers University (organized by the venerable…
Category: News
Gourab Ghoshal giving keynote in CCS ’24
Gourab Ghoshal will be delivering a keynote address in the Conference on…
Workshop on Information in Active Matter
Very excited to be organizing (with Adam Frank and Artemy Kolchinksy) the…
PRX Life paper covered in Big Think
Our recent paper on semantic information was covered in Big Think! Read…
Paper on semantic information published in PRX Life
Our group’s recent work on semantic information was recently published in PRX…
Gourab Ghoshal attending CCS’23
Gourab Ghoshal will be attending the Conference on Complex Systems ’23 in…
Damian Sowinski wins Steadman award
Damian Sowinski won the Steadman Family Postdoctoral Associate Prize in Interdisciplinary Research.…
Group visiting NetSci and IC2S2
Our group will be presenting our recent work at NetSci ’23 (Vienna)…
Gourab Ghoshal promoted to Full Professor
Gourab has been promoted to full professor effective 07/23.
Sowinski and Kelty presenting at NERCCS 2023
Damian Sowinski and Sean Kelty will be attending the New England Regional…