Our recent paper on urban hierarchies and its connection with city livability…
Author: Gourab Ghoshal (page 4)
Paper on Urban hierarchies out in Nature Communications
As part of our collaboration with Google AI, Jose Ramasco and Henry…
Visit by David Panos (U. Zaragoza, Spain)
David Soriano Panos, from the University of Zaragoza, will be visiting our…
Connor Luckett admitted to Brown
Connor Luckett, an REU student with the group in the summer of…
Gourab Ghoshal presenting at the Lipari Summer workshop
Gourab Ghoshal will be attending the workshop Complex networks: from socio-economic systems…
Gourab Ghoshal visiting University of Aveiro
Gourab Ghoshal will be visiting the group of Prof. Jose Mendes at…
Alec Kirkley wins NDSEG Fellowship
Alec Kirkley, a former undergraduate researcher in our group, won the prestigious…
Gourab Ghoshal presenting at CDSE days
Gourab Ghoshal will present an invited talk at the 5’th annual CDSE…
Gourab Ghoshal presenting at Clarkson University
Gourab Ghoshal will be presenting a seminar on “Geometric flavors of Braess’s…
Our research featured in UR newsletter
Our research has been featured in the University of Rochester’s newsletter. Excellent…